
Managing Permissions for Guest Users

Support Team May-19th, 2022 1:04 0 0

Within TaskReviewer you can invite guest reviewers to give reviews and feedback on files in a review stage without needing to give them access to your Teamwork account.

Guest Reviewers must be invited to the stage that you would like them to review

NOTE: Collaborators will not be allowed to invite guest reviewers. The ability to invite guest reviewers by team members can be managed in user permissions.

Managing Permissions for Guest Users can be done from the guest reviewer modal box when you click on Add Guest reviewers in the Review Stage.

To add a guest reviewer first select the review stage that you would like to invite the guest reviewer to. If you do not see the option to add guest reviewers, check your permissions with your account admins.

Once you select the guest Reviewers option, you will see a modal box open where you can add a list of the guests you would like to review the files in this stage.

Once you have added users to the list selecting the Add to List you can set guest permissions, as well as create a tailored message to your guests in the invite that they will receive.
You can then "Invite Reviewers"

The box will then close and you will see that you have reviewers added to your review stage

NOTE: your reviewers will not be able to review the file until it is dragged into their review stage (notification emails are sent when you add a file to the stage).


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