
Inviting Users to TaskReviewer

Support Team May-19th, 2022 3:01 0 0

Within TaskReviewer, once your account is created, your Teamwork team members (including collaborators) all automatically have access to use TaskReviewer and no extra cost. They will not, however receive any notification that they have access to TaskReviewer.

This is so that you as an account owner can decide who is brought into the review and approval process as you choose.

NOTE: Only owners and administrators have access to the My Team section of the Web App

Users can be invited two ways: Via Web App, and Via Review

Invite Users Via Review

Users can be invited to TaskReviewer by simply assigning them to a review.

Because all Teamwork account members automatically have access to TaskReviewer through your company account, to invite a user you just need to add them to the review stage.

They will then receive an invitation to TaskReviewer notifying them that they have been assigned to a review.

NOTE: You will only see a list of users who have access to the project that the review is in when inviting users through a review. If you would like to have everyone invited at once, make use of the Web App option.

Invite Users Via Web App

Logging in to the Web App via your "My Account" option in the browser extension will open the Web App or you.

Once you login to the Web App, using the same Teamwork login details you use for the browser extension, select the My Team option from the left hand panel.

Here you will see a list of users who already have accessed TaskReviewer, and you can manage their permissions if necessary.

Click the Invite Users button to notify other team members that they can access TaskReviewer

You will see a list of your Teamwork account members, and you can select the ones (or all) that you would like to notify about using TaskReviewer.

They will then receive an invitation to join your TaskReviewer team.

NOTE: You cannot prevent someone from accessing TaskReviewer once your company has an account. But users cannot review files unless they are asked to do so by assigning them to a review.


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